elitesquash camps for all ages and standards

Our junior elite summer camps now have 4 places left on week 1 – 6-9th August. Week 2 – 12-16th August is now full but please contact us to join the wating list. The Adult camp in September 28/29th is drawing players from all over the world including Russia and India. This is great news for all involved to have such a mix of people to play and learn with. We have an exiting new venue which combines 7 newly refurbished courts with a hotel on site plus swimming pools and gym for any travelling partners – http://www.redwood-hotel.co.uk. There are 6 places left on this camp so please contact us if you are interested.

Our intermediate junior camps are also taking bookings and its great to see so many new players starting the sport and enjoying these camps.

Please visit our camps page for more details.


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