I have recently started a book about self-directed learning mainly to help develop how we parent our kids. It talks about the benefits of helping children learn how to shape their own path and how this empowers them with tools to navigate the ups and downs of life as they grow older. This article is…
Squash is by its nature a chaotic environment. Two people in a box hit a small ball at multiple angles in an attempt to out-position, wear down mentally and physically, and overall break apart the opponent. We are doing this while our heart is pumping fast and breathing heavily. Few sports demand much of us…
While searching for the optimum mental state on the squash court I continuously return to the same theme: thinking veres awareness. Humans are plagued with the reality of a thinking mind which chatters throughout all waking hours trying to make things the way it thinks they need to be for us to be safe and…
This piece is for any parent out there who has children playing tournaments. Now having my own children who are playing tournaments I share your pain and struggles, highs and lows. I have tried to pull out some of the key things I have learned so far and hope at least some of these insights…
28 years and counting for our elitesquash junior summer camps. It’s both inspiring and a bit scary to know we have been running our summer camps for over 28 years. Elitesquash camps began in Exeter all those years ago with the mission to provide the ultimate environment for you people to maximise their potential. This…
TOP 5 TIPS FOR GOOD TACTICS Maximise the serve! The serve does not just start the rally. It’s your opportunity to disrupt from the first shot. When you go to serve think: ‘How can I disrupt my opponent right now with my serve’? Use variations or serve to create uncertainly but most of all…
As always the team at Edgbaston priory club and Birmingham university provided an excellent experience for the British junior championships. Somewhere close to 500 kids battled it out across the two venues and it was very encouraging to see so many young players at such a high level when there is plenty of talk about…
As part of a personal development, I am part way though there is a section on ‘state’. The state being referred to is the combination of a physical and mental position which we hold ourselves. Many things will affect the state, from the posture of the body to the internal dialogue in the mind. For example,…
My 11 year old Son Elliott has just begun his junior tournament career and last weekend we travelled to London for the first event away from home. The main purpose of this event was to introduce the experiences of different courts, opponents and the pressure of this foreign environment and see how he responded and…
We have many different environments in which we can improve our squash. From lessons with a coach to solo practice, group training and matches there is always lots that can be learned from each. The key question for me as a coach is how best to help everyone to absorb and retain the most impactful…